Investing in Internal Talent

Investing in employee talent internally is a strategic approach that can lead to improved employee satisfaction, retention, and overall organizational success. Here are some steps to help you find and invest in employee talent within your organization: 

  1. Assess the skills and competencies needed for current and future roles within the organization and identify the skills gap that exist among current employees. 
  2. Regularly conduct performance reviews to understand employee strengths, areas of improvement and determine their goals (3 and 5 year plans). 
  3. Develop a succession plans to identify and coach potential candidates for roles. 
  4. Provide access to workshops, training, courses, and certifications relevant to their roles and career goals. 
  5. Establish mentorship programs to connect experienced employees with those seeking guidance. 
  6. Promote internal job postings to encourage employees to apply for new opportunities within the organization. Ensure transparency in the recruitment process, making it accessible to all employees. 
  7. Implement cross-training initiatives to broaden employees’ skill sets. Encourage employees to learn about different departments and functions within the organization. 
  8. Implement HR technology to track employee skills, performance, and career development. 

When looking internally, leaders need to understand employee potential and goals to see who can be promoted based on future open positions. By adopting these strategies, organizations can create a culture that values and invests in the growth of its employees, leading to a more skilled, engaged, and satisfied workforce while increasing retention.

Need help creating a plan to invest in internal talent or looking for HR technology to help you do it?  Book a meeting to discuss! 

The ThryvX Team

Your Partner in All Employee Matters

With over 15 years experience working for organizations from across North America, we are versatile and take pride in helping our clients create strong, cohesive and well-functioning teams to increase the productivity and success of their organization.

Proudly located in Durham Region, we look forward to helping you realize your HR and organizational goals.

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Providing services for Start- Ups, Franchisees, Small Business, Mid-Sized Business up to international Corporations.

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